
    Industrial design

    User research



Munda is a multi-functional urban cyclist respirator. It provides the user with clean air, has an inbuilt pollution detection and warning system and is equipped with a high-powered night-time sensing headlight. Munda was designed and manufactured for a final year project whilst studying Industrial Design & Technology at Loughborough University.

The problem

Various forms of air pollution are causing ambient air quality to deteriorate worldwide. This problem is especially prevalent within urban environments and more so in developing countries. Out of all the cities reporting on air quality only 12% of people reside in those that meet WHO guidelines for safe levels. About half of the urban population monitored is exposed to air pollution 2.5 times higher than recommendations.

Inevitably this is a major environmental risk to health, for example, in 2012 air pollution was estimated to cause 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide. Research indicates that cyclists are at higher risk of related health implications due to elevated levels of exposure and intake of pollutants. With very few current solutions, many of which being an inconvenience to cyclists, an opportunity to create a new product had been identified.

Design report

Final working prototype

The final prototype was fully functional allowing for the following operations:

  • Key switch activation
  • Automatic PM 2.5 detection with warning light and sound
  • Automatic dark sensing LED headlights with manual override
  • Manual respirator activation